Anal Fissures Treatment #মলদ্বারে রক্তপাত#পায়ুপথে ক্যান্সারের লক্ষণ



Dr. Afrin Sultana

MBBS (Dhaka Medical College)

FCPS (Surgery) MRCS (London) Trained in Laparoscopic,Breast & Colorectal Surgery Breast,Piles,Fistula Surgeon

Consultant : General Surgery,City Hospital ltd. CHAMBER CITY HOSPITAL LTD 1/8,Block-E, Lalmatia,Satmosjid Road, Dhaka-1207 Tel : 02-8143312, 8143913, 8143467,9124436, 9124701 Mobil : 01815-484600 Visiting Hours : 8pm to 10pm (Friday Closed) Hello Viewers! Welcome To Doctors Tv Official YouTube Channel. Here you will find Popular Doctors Exclusive Interviews, Best Health Care Advices and Treatments for various diseases. Aim of doctors tv is to give basic knowledge of a disease, cause and pr

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